Do you know Series - 4
1. If the licensed operator of an amateur radio station is
absent overseas, the home station may be used by:
a. any member of the immediate family to maintain contact
with only the licensed operator
b. any person with an appropriate amateur radio licence
c. the immediate family to communicate with any amateur
radio operator
d. the immediate family if a separate licence for mobile use
has been obtained by the absent operator
2. If you contact another station and your signal is strong
and perfectly readable, you should:
a. turn on your speech processor
b. reduce your SWR
c. not make any changes, otherwise you may lose contact
d. reduce your transmitter power output to the minimum
needed to maintain contact
3. You identify your amateur station by transmitting your:
a. "handle"
b. callsign
c. first name and your location
d. full name
4. The Morse code signal SOS is sent by a station:
a. with an urgent message
b. in grave and imminent danger and requiring immediate
c. making a report about a shipping hazard
d. sending important weather information
5. If you hear distress traffic and are unable to render
assistance, you should:
a. maintain watch until you are certain that assistance is
b. enter the details in the log book and take no further action
c. take no action
d. tell all other stations to cease transmitting
6. The term "harmful interference" means:
a. interference which obstructs or repeatedly interrupts
radiocommunication services
b. an antenna system which accidentally falls on to a
neighbour's property
c. a receiver with the audio volume unacceptably loud
d. interference caused by a station of a secondary service
7. The frequency band 146 to 148 MHz is:
a. shared with other communication services
b. allocated exclusively for police communications
c. exclusive to repeater operation
d. reserved for emergency communications
8. An element which falls somewhere between being an
insulator and a conductor is called a:
a. P-type conductor
b. intrinsic conductor
c. semiconductor
d. N-type conductor
9. An electric current passing through a wire will produce
around the conductor:
a. an electric field
b. a magnetic field
c. an electrostatic field
d. nothing
10.Four good electrical insulators are:
a. plastic, rubber, wood, carbon
b. glass, wood, copper, porcelain
c. paper, glass, air, aluminium
d. glass, air, plastic, porcelain
11.One kilohm is:
a. 10 ohm
b. 0.01 ohm
c. 0.001 ohm
d. 1000 ohm
12.The watt is the unit of:
a. power
b. magnetic flux
c. electromagnetic field strength
d. breakdown voltage
13.The voltage across a resistor carrying current can be
calculated using the formula:
a. E = I + R [voltage equals current plus resistance]
b. E = I - R [voltage equals current minus resistance]
c. E = I x R [voltage equals current times resistance]
d. E = I / R [voltage equals current divided by resistance]
14.A current of 2 ampere flows through a 16 ohm resistance.
The applied voltage is:
a. 8 volt
b. 14 volt
c. 18 volt
d. 32 volt
15.This combination of series resistors could replace a
single 120 ohm resistor:
a. five 24 ohm
b. six 22 ohm
c. two 62 ohm
d. five 100 ohm
absent overseas, the home station may be used by:
a. any member of the immediate family to maintain contact
with only the licensed operator
b. any person with an appropriate amateur radio licence
c. the immediate family to communicate with any amateur
radio operator
d. the immediate family if a separate licence for mobile use
has been obtained by the absent operator
2. If you contact another station and your signal is strong
and perfectly readable, you should:
a. turn on your speech processor
b. reduce your SWR
c. not make any changes, otherwise you may lose contact
d. reduce your transmitter power output to the minimum
needed to maintain contact
3. You identify your amateur station by transmitting your:
a. "handle"
b. callsign
c. first name and your location
d. full name
4. The Morse code signal SOS is sent by a station:
a. with an urgent message
b. in grave and imminent danger and requiring immediate
c. making a report about a shipping hazard
d. sending important weather information
5. If you hear distress traffic and are unable to render
assistance, you should:
a. maintain watch until you are certain that assistance is
b. enter the details in the log book and take no further action
c. take no action
d. tell all other stations to cease transmitting
6. The term "harmful interference" means:
a. interference which obstructs or repeatedly interrupts
radiocommunication services
b. an antenna system which accidentally falls on to a
neighbour's property
c. a receiver with the audio volume unacceptably loud
d. interference caused by a station of a secondary service
7. The frequency band 146 to 148 MHz is:
a. shared with other communication services
b. allocated exclusively for police communications
c. exclusive to repeater operation
d. reserved for emergency communications
8. An element which falls somewhere between being an
insulator and a conductor is called a:
a. P-type conductor
b. intrinsic conductor
c. semiconductor
d. N-type conductor
9. An electric current passing through a wire will produce
around the conductor:
a. an electric field
b. a magnetic field
c. an electrostatic field
d. nothing
10.Four good electrical insulators are:
a. plastic, rubber, wood, carbon
b. glass, wood, copper, porcelain
c. paper, glass, air, aluminium
d. glass, air, plastic, porcelain
11.One kilohm is:
a. 10 ohm
b. 0.01 ohm
c. 0.001 ohm
d. 1000 ohm
12.The watt is the unit of:
a. power
b. magnetic flux
c. electromagnetic field strength
d. breakdown voltage
13.The voltage across a resistor carrying current can be
calculated using the formula:
a. E = I + R [voltage equals current plus resistance]
b. E = I - R [voltage equals current minus resistance]
c. E = I x R [voltage equals current times resistance]
d. E = I / R [voltage equals current divided by resistance]
14.A current of 2 ampere flows through a 16 ohm resistance.
The applied voltage is:
a. 8 volt
b. 14 volt
c. 18 volt
d. 32 volt
15.This combination of series resistors could replace a
single 120 ohm resistor:
a. five 24 ohm
b. six 22 ohm
c. two 62 ohm
d. five 100 ohm
That the exam venue for Central is not in PWTC? It shall be somewhere in Shah Alam...details during 2M net.
73 QRT
9M2RT, at 6:28 PM
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