
Monday, February 27, 2006

Ham Glossary 2


Form of ionosphere propagation via the E and F layers allowing
stations to hear other stations within the skip


A simple transformer used to change an unbalanced input
to a balanced output.


A range of frequencies.


Frequency needed for particular type of emission.


Memory bank


(BroadCast Interference)


(Beat Frequency Oscillator)


(Bayonet Neill-Concelman)
A type of antenna connector


(BandPass Filter)

Busy lockout

Inhibits transmit on a frequency in use

Call sign

Sequence of letter and numbers used to identify amateur
radio operators and issued by the FCC.

CAP (Civil Air Patrol)

Volunteer affiliate of the United States Air Force.


An unmodulated transmitted signal.

Carrier frequency offset (=Carrier Shift)

Distance between mark and space of the carrier for RTTY or
similar communications.

CBR (Cross Band Repeater)

A repeater which receive incoming signal and re-transmit it in
different bands— e.g. receives 144 MHz bands and re-transmits
430(440) MHz bands.


(Counter ClockWise)


Sequence of memory positions where frequency and related
information is stored.


Icom computer Control Interface allows multiple radio control


Number of IF circuits in the receiver.


(Central Processing Unit)


Radio communications term used to call others.


(Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System)
Adds a continuous sub-audible low frequency tone to the
transmitted carrier. Receivers set for the same low frequency
tone can decode signal.


1) Carrier Wave
2) ClockWise

CW filter

Used to narrow IF passband to improve reception in crowded
band conditions.

Friday, February 24, 2006

New Product

One of the latest Amateur Rigs..dual bander VHF/UHF

Price not known as yet.

You can use it to watch TV on its LCD screen!

Ham Glossary 1


Adjacent-channel interference
When a receiver is tuned to a specific frequency and interference
is received on a nearby frequency.

AF (Audio Frequency)

AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
Automatically compensate frequency drift.

AFSK (Audio Frequency Shift Keying)

AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Automatically optimize receiver amplifier gain.

ALC (Automatic Limiting Control)
Limits RF drive level to power amplifier during transmit to prevent

AM (Amplitude Modulation)

AMSAT (AMateur SATellite)

AMTOR (AMateur Teleprinting Over Radio)
A form of RTTY, radio teletype.

ANF (Automatic Notch Filter)

ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter)
Eliminates impulse and static noise peaks.
ANT (ANTenna)

Antenna ground system
Term used for a RF reference potential for some types of antennas.
Most unbalanced or asymmetrical antennas need a
good RF ground.

Antenna impedance
The impedance of an antenna at its resonance. Although an
antenna’s impedance fluctuates with the frequency of operation,
an antenna should be 50 Ω for most transceivers.

Antenna matching
When the antenna’s impedance at resonance is at optimum
performance for your transmitter output circuit.

Antenna tuner
Device used to match an antenna to the output impedance
of a transmitter.

APC (Automatic Power Control)
Current limiting of power amplifier to prevent damage to finals
in high SWR conditions.

APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System)
In conjunction with a GPS and TNC provide position reporting.

ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service)
ARES is a public-service organization of the ARRL.

ARRL (The American Radio Relay League)
The National Association for Amateur Radio in the US.

ASCII (American National Standard Code for Information Interchange)
A seven-unit digital code for the transmission of teleprinter

ATT (ATTenuator)
A network designed to reduce the amplitude of a signal.

ATV (Amateur Television)
FSTV (fast scan TV), SSTV (slow scan TV)

Auto patch
Used in repeater operation for telephone interconnect.

Average power
Power measured on standard power meter.

Friday, February 17, 2006

9M2RUK . . .the verdict

Coinciding with the Ulu Kali Site visit by MARTS Secretary and MOTOROLA officials, 9M2CM-Thommy Lim, 9M2CF- Chow CW, and 9W2MCT - Tony Yew made an attempt to rectify the fast failing 9M2RUK. With the support from 9W2NAL-Zainal, who supplied 30m of RG8 cable, and Chow, equipped, with a Bird and an SWR meter, the team proceeded with the serious work of righting the 'other' old lady!
Not realising the difference between the tower design of Bukit Lanjan and Ulu Kali, I figured it would be ok to 'climb' the UK tower. Alas, when we arrived the sight of it, immediately killed that very thought. With the right documents carried by 9M2CL-Bob, accompanied by TM Engineers, we proceeded to the repeater room. Identifying the future rack for the linking repeater (AA not known to me yet) was done by the visiting team, whilst Thommy and Chow quickly got down to the task.
Although news that the Antenna set up needed to be serviced, as well as the location of the antenna, was made known ahead of this visit, by 9M2AM-Annuar, as well as 9W2XL-Bear,
the diagnosis was conducted in precise manner.
The verdict? There is a loss of power output from the Repeater, hence it will need to be decommissioned, as well as a high SWR reading of the Antenna, hopefully a new one will be put in place.

All said, another visit will be conducted and hopefully with the help of the Professional Riggers (Halim and Gang) 9M2RUK will hopefully be resurrected to live.
A fruiful visit, it must be said, but hopefully next time, others will partake.

de 9W2MCT -Tony

Thursday, February 16, 2006

9M4RUK, and 9M4RKL

CQ CQ CQ. Anyone interested to assist or lead in the restoration of 9M4RUK are encouraged to call 9W2MCT-Tony for a visit to Ulu Kali, Genting Highlands, February 17th 2006. This last minute info is regretted, but hopefully some of you can step out from the shadows.

9M4RUK is being transported to KL by 9M2CL-Bob, and should change hands tomorrow, in Genting Highlands.
Currently, unconfirmed Stations attending to RUK are
9M2CM - Tommy, 9M2CF - Chow, 9W2MCT - Tony with equipment loaned from 9W2XL-Bear
Those who want to overnight in Genting will have complimentary rooms (contact Tony-016 6740 333)

de 9W2MCT - Tony

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Class A & Class B Working Frequencies

Class A License Operating Privilege
(for 9M call sign operators)

Frequency PEP Class of Emission
1.8-2.0 05 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
3.5-3.9 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
7.0-7.1 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
10.1-10.15 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
14.0-14.35 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
18.068-18.168 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
21.0-21.45 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
24.89-24.99 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
28.0-29.7 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
50.0-54.0 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
144.0-146.0 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
146.0-148.0 400 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
430.0-440.0 100 A1A, A2A, A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
1,240-1,300 100 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
2,300-2,450 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
3,300-3,500 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
5,650-5,850 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
10,000-10,500 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
24,000-24,250 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
47,000-47,200 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
75.500-81,000 050 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
119,800-120,020 025 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
142,000-144,000 025 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
144,000-149,000 025 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
244,000-248,000 025 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
248,000-250,000 025 A1A, A2A, A3E, A3C, C3F, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E

Class B License Operating Privilege
(for 9W call sign operators)
Frequency PEP Class of Emission
28.0-29.7 050 A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
50.0-54.0 050 A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
144.0-146.0 050 A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
146.0-148.0 050 A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E
430.0-440.0 050 A3E, F1A, F2A, F3E, J3E, R3E

From the above listing, you will realise that Class B Licence holders have limited
frequencies to experiment with. No wonder that most Class B stations are "talking" only..

Data obtained from:

Thursday, February 02, 2006

International Space Station Contact

Message from our Ham, 9W2QC, Sion Chow Q.C,
regarding his latest radio contact with the Astronauts
on board the ISS.


Hello All,
William (Bill) McArthur, KC5ACR, has been very active operating ham radio from the International Space Station (ISS) the previous weekend. On the 21st and 22nd January 2006 (Saturday and Sunday), I managed to make another two QSOs with Bill on board the ISS. With this, I had made a total of three QSOs with Bill and five QSOs with the ISS crews.What is more interesting is that, my mother, Kathleen (9W2MAH) also managed to make a contact on the 22nd January 2006. Congratulations to my mother, who has became the first YL from Malaysia to have worked Bill!!! Although she was a bit nervous, I am still very proud that she managed to make the contact.For more information and recordings, please visit, I am happy to say that the first station to work Bill, the first OM station to work Bill and the first YL station to work Bill are 9 WHISKEY stations respectively.
This shows that, morse code testing is not relevant as a testing standard to test a person's capability to operate amateur radio and a person who can send morse code at 15 WPM do not necessarily have to be a good radio operator.
Thank You.
73,Sion Chow Q. C.,9W2QC.
Strong supporter of the abolishment of the Morse Code requirement to obtain a full license!!!Support NCI for the healthy future of ham radio !!! Join NCI @ "
